In a major unexpected news, Warner Bros. Pictures announced that Zack Snyder’s Superman movie Man of Steel will be released in theaters on June 14, 2013 and not in December of 2012 as was previously believed.
No other films have been scheduled for that date yet.
Thanks @ManofSteel2012 for the heads up.
Edit – Added more information about it:
Just a few moments ago, news hit the internet the release date for Zach Snyder’s Man of Steel has been changed from December, 2012 to June 14, 2013, causing fans to take to their Twitter and Facebook accounts in what became a near frenzy seeking confirmations and more information.
Dave McNary with repots Warner Bros Pictures announced this change today. Upon immediately hearing this, a rep for the film was contacted who states “a release date has not been announced.” What to make of this? As an official release has not been found from Warner Bros Pictures on this date change, people may be left to assume Variety holds the trump card for all things Man of Steel related. It could also be the movie’s rep is not going to confirm this until an official announcement is released by Warner Bros. (Source)