July 23 Comic-Con: Immortals Panel Highlights

The Immortals panel was fast, but a huge success. I was like crazy looking into any feed I could to see people’s impressions. Well, Henry, you did it. People is crazy about him, and SO looking forward about him now as Superman.
And his shape is something incredible. He’s working hard to get the exact shape wanted for the part, and his looking great. And I mean, GREAT. You’ll see when pictures start to pop, if you didn’t noticed in the video previously posted.

Here’s some highlights on the panel:

Henry Cavill on voice in character: “You don’t want to make it sound stuffy, but at the same time stay loyal to the age of a character like Theseus. Try not to be too English about it and not too American either.”
Henry Cavill on being a fan of mythology: “Yes, been a fan of mythology since I was a little boy.”
Freida Pinto on her sex scene with Henry: “How can it be embarrassing, you’re with Henry.”
Frida Pinto’s favorite part about filming Immortals:” Watching the fine men! Also, that the women remain covered while then men don’t.”
Henry Cavill on Man of Steel: “It’s one of the best scripts I’ve ever read. I’m excited by it, humbled by the whole experience and can’t wait to get started.”

It was also showed two new footages, in 3D. More about the panel will be posted here, also pics and interviews. Stay with us!

Edit: My friend Nina sent over some Twitter pictures from the panel she’s been collecting. There’s no signal, infortunately, of who took it. If you did it, please, send me an email, comment, smoke signal, to be credited under each photo, ok? Same if you want it to be taken down (which I hope not).

Also talking about that, a mention or link back when find pictures here at our site is really appreciated. I enjoy sharing things with fans, but also enjoy when you told your followers/visitors where did you get it first, specially concerning videos/captures/scans. Thanks!

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